OUR TEAM — Rogue Training

Our Leadership Team

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chris mcclung

Background: I grew up a soccer player but have been running & competing for 18 years now, and I've met some of my best friends on the roads. I run to test my limits, to see what I can accomplish if I push beyond where I think I can go.
Years coaching & philosophy: 14 yrs; My coaching philosophy is all about commitment, consistency, and community. Run early. Run often. Do it together. 
Best advice for new Rogues: Take the first step and then commit to listening to your coach. They will not give you something you can't handle.
Most memorable run/race: Boston Marathon 2014 - After the bombing. The energy and passion of the crowd was overwhelming. I've never cried on a run but had tears welling up as I ran down the finishing straight on the same streets that had been devastated the year before. 
Interesting fact: I can stick an American quarter in my nose. Don't believe me? Give me a quarter, and I'll show you!
Follow me at:
Insta: @rogueChris FB: www.facebook.com/thechrismcclung
Twitter: @chrismcclung

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Mitch hayes

Background: I’ve been running since 2001 when I had a health scare and have currently run 16 marathons.  I have managed the training programs at Run On! since 2010, and I have lost count of the number of lives our programs have changed – and that is a great feeling!
Years coaching and philosophy:  I have been coaching for 15 years.  My greatest joy is being a part of the journey when an athlete runs their first full or half marathon.  The bonds formed training on the long runs last a lifetime.  
Best advice for new Rogues: Respect the distance.  Commit to the program, live the lifestyle, slow down, and trust your coach.
Most memorable run/race: Without a doubt Chicago 2007 when the race was halted because of oppressive heat.  I didn’t get any fluid until the half way point because the water stops were out of water!  When the race was halted, I was at mile 17. 
Interesting fact: I was in a TV commercial with Dale Earnhardt Sr. in the late 1980’s, and cried like a baby when the Great One died at Daytona in 2001.  

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